Mastering LinkedIn: 18Actionable Tips to Network & Generate Leads on LinkedIn

Zufishan K.
8 min readSep 14, 2023

LinkedIn, often seen as the professional’s social network, has evolved into a powerhouse for lead generation and networking. In this blog, we will delve deep into the valuable insights from LinkedIn Riches Free LinkedIn Lead Generation Book — “LinkedIn Riches” by John Nemo to help you harness the full potential of this platform. I also provide links to video resources mentioned in the book for additional reference at the end of this blog.

Source: LinkedIn — John Nemo

Let’s Begin!

1. It’s Not About You

LinkedIn is a place for professionals to connect and solve problems. People are not here to see your vacation photos. Instead, they seek solutions to their challenges and opportunities to achieve their goals.

In a world where self-promotion is the norm, it’s crucial to shift your focus. As Nemo aptly puts it, “I hate to break it to you, but outside of your mom and your dog (cats don’t count), nobody really cares all that much about you. You know what other people do care about? Themselves!”

Tip: Revisit your LinkedIn profile with a focus on how your content and offerings can address your ideal client’s biggest problems, save them time, or help them make money.

2. Your Profile Photo Matters

Your profile photo is the first impression you make on LinkedIn. It should reflect professionalism and approachability. Make sure your eyes are visible, and remember to smile.

As Nemo advises that even if it kills you, it’s critical that you SMILE in your LinkedIn Profile photo.

Tip: Update your profile photo to reflect professionalism and approachability through a clear smiling photograph.

3. Nail Your Headline

Your LinkedIn headline is a golden opportunity to convey crucial information in a concise manner. It should communicate who you are, what you do, your target audience, the value you bring, and your credibility.

According to Nemo, your LinkedIn headline needs to convey in 120 characters the following:

  • Who You Are
  • What You Do
  • Audiences You Serve
  • Value/Benefit You Bring Customers
  • Credibility/Social Proof

Tip: Revise your headline to clearly communicate these elements in 18–20 words.

4. Embrace Emojis

Emojis can make your LinkedIn profile stand out. When used tastefully, they can help you grab attention and make you stand out from the crowd.

Tip: Add emojis strategically to your profile to make it more eye-catching.

5. Prove Your Expertise

In a world where everyone claims to be an expert, it’s not enough to call yourself one. You must demonstrate your expertise through valuable content and advice.

Tip: Start sharing valuable content that showcases your knowledge and helps your target audience.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

6. Add Value for Free

Generosity pays off. Offer free, high-quality content that addresses the needs of your target audience. Network and provide personalized advice.

Nemo shares his personal experience,

I created and gave away tons of free, high-quality content that was ultra-useful and valuable to debt collection agency owners looking for advice on how to grow their business. I put in my time on LinkedIn, networking like crazy, doing my best not to sell or be pushy but instead to add value and give personalized, free marketing advice to anyone and everyone who asked.”

Tip: Create and share valuable content regularly, and engage with your network by offering personalized advice.

7. Craft a Clear LinkedIn Summary

Your LinkedIn summary should succinctly explain who your target audience is, how you help them achieve their goals, and what product or service you offer.

Here is the straightforward copy and paste script for the LinkedIn Summary given by John Nemo:


  • WHO I WORK WITH: I partner with [TARGET AUDIENCE or INDUSTRY TYPE] including:
  • WHY IT WORKS: When you partner with [MY COMPANY NAME] you get the most efficient, effective and affordable [PRODUCT or SERVICE] that [TARGET AUDIENCE] is looking for right now.
  • WHAT MAKES [ME or US] DIFFERENT: [Answer that question! What makes you unique/different/better than similar vendors or competitors? XYZ years of experience? Certifications/ Patents/etc.? Personal, 1-on-1 attention and Customer Service/ Support?]
  • HOW IT WORKS: [Explain Your process — we start with a free evaluation, we first meet via phone to discuss your needs, etc., or we perform XYZ services for you, etc.]
  • READY TO TALK? Reach out to me directly here on LinkedIn, email me at [EMAIL ADDRESS], visit us online at [WEBSITE URL] or call me direct at [PHONE NUMBER].

Tip: Fill in the blanks in the above draft and copy-paste it to create your LinkedIn summary.

8. Use Video to Personalize Your Profile

Adding a brief “Welcome to My Profile!” video can help you connect with visitors on a more personal level. It’s an excellent way to showcase your personality.

Tip: Create a short 90-second long introductory video and embed it in your LinkedIn profile.

9. Appeal to Multiple Audiences

If you serve various niches, add separate “Experience” sections that cater to each audience’s specific needs and use relevant keywords.

Tip: Customize your profile to resonate with different segments of your audience.

10. Build Relationships, Not Just Transactions

Connect with people on a personal level by showing genuine interest in their lives and needs. Don’t push for sales immediately.

As Nemo wisely states,

Being able to create social bonds and friendships that go beyond a simple product or service exchange not only makes doing business more fun, but also helps customers think twice about leaving given that they genuinely like you and/or your company.”

Tip: Engage with your connections by asking about their interests and needs outside of work.

11. Ask Permission

Before bombarding your connections with requests, ask for their permission and provide value first.

As Nemo puts it, Stop Selling. Start Helping.

Tip: Send personalized messages with valuable content or offers, ensuring they align with your connection’s interests.

Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash

12. Contact Big Shots Creatively

LinkedIn has killed gate-keepers and directly approaching people has become very easy. When reaching out to influential LinkedIn users, maintain professionalism, acknowledge their work, and offer something of value.

Nemo shares his experience, “With my first message, I told Chris Brogan that I wanted to rewrite his entire LinkedIn profile for free.”

Tip: When contacting influential users, be straightforward, friendly, and professional.

13. The Law of Reciprocity

To get someone’s attention on LinkedIn, dazzle them with your work. People feel obligated to reciprocate when you provide value without asking for anything in return.

Nemo also shares his strategy,

You only have so many hours in a given day, and it doesn’t make sense to offer this to every single prospect you come across on LinkedIn. But hedge your bets, trust your gut and go for it when it feels like the right play to make.”

Tip: Offer value to build trust and goodwill with your connections and law of reciprocity will work like magic.

14. Be Yourself

Authenticity is key on LinkedIn. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. But while being authentic, it is important to be creative and stand out from the rest. No one pays attention to the boring.

Tip: Showcase your unique personality and interests on your LinkedIn profile with a creative approach.

15. Keep in Touch

Maintain regular contact with your connections through personalized messages and updates to stay front of mind. Nemo also recommends shooting a quick, personalized video of yourself talking to the new connection by name, sharing a few quick bits of information, and saying how you look forward to talking more soon.

Tip: Send occasional personalized messages/videos to your connections to nurture relationships.

16. Combine Personalized Messaging with Value Offerings

To gain someone’s time and attention on LinkedIn, combine a client-facing profile, niche targeting, and personalized, 1-on-1 messaging.

Nemo emphasizes, that one must EARN the right to ask for someone’s time and attention. He also provides the following script to pivot an ongoing conversation It is as follows:

Once the ice is broken, I now pivot into an ongoing series of 1-on-1 messages (usually sending 1 or 2 a month, always on a different topic) using the script below:

  • Hey [FIRST NAME] — hope this note finds you well!
  • Curious — Are you interested in [TOPIC]?
    The reason I ask is, I have a great, free [BLOG, WEBINAR, VIDEO, etc.] that [BENEFITS THEY WANT RELATED TO TOPIC].
  • Just reply “YES” or and I can send over a link to the [BLOG, WEBINAR, VIDEO, etc.].
  • And if you’re not interested, no worries at all. Either way I hope you’re having an awesome day!

Tip: Use personalized messaging and offer valuable content to earn the right to engage with your connections.

17. Human Interaction Matters

No matter how advanced technology becomes, personalized, human engagement and relationship building will remain essential.

Tip: Remember that every LinkedIn connection is a real person with unique needs and interests.

Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash

18. Income Improvement Follows Self-Improvement

Invest in your personal growth, and it will reflect positively on your professional life.

Nemo’s quote sums it up perfectly,

“The past explains how you got here. But where you go from here is your responsibility.”

Tip: Find ways to incorporate your personal life into your LinkedIn profile and interactions to create a more genuine connection with your network.

Additional Resources:

To delve deeper into these insights, here are the video resources mentioned in John Nemo’s book:

  1. Video Marketing Tips
  2. LinkedIn Profile Enhancement
  3. LinkedIn Summary Examples

In conclusion, LinkedIn is not just a platform for job seekers; it’s a powerful tool for lead generation and relationship building. Apply these insights from “LinkedIn Riches” to revamp your profile, create meaningful connections, and unlock the full potential of this professional network. Remember, success on LinkedIn is all about helping others while being yourself. So, go ahead, take action, and watch your LinkedIn riches grow.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is based on the book “LinkedIn Riches” by John Nemo, Revised Edition November 2019. LinkedIn’s features and policies may have changed since that time. Readers are encouraged to verify the accuracy and relevance of the content with the latest LinkedIn guidelines and features. The author and publisher are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information presented in this blog. LinkedIn is a registered trademark of LinkedIn Corporation, and this blog is not affiliated with or endorsed by LinkedIn Corporation.

That’s it from my side. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you did, do leave claps generously. It means a lot :)

Comment and let me know which was your favorite tip. I’d love to know. Feel free to also drop any suggestion or feedback. Always open to them.

Until next time,




Zufishan K.

A woman who loves aircrafts, stationery and solitude more than almost anything.